how to train in……Equine Bowen Therapy
Do you want to work with horses as an Equine Bowen Therapist (in the UK).?
This page has been compiled to answer some of the most common questions to help you get started on your Equine Bowen Therapy career.
If you have any further queries please email and we will try to help, or please contact the organisations mentioned.
Are qualifications needed to become an Equine Bowen Therapist?
Strictly speaking no. However, there are professional training courses you can complete in Equine Muscle Release Therapy which is the official arm of animal arm of Bowtech, and is the only Bowen on horses recognised by the Bowen Academy of Australia.
Equine Muscle Release Therapy™ is a gentle, non-invasive bodywork for horses developed by Ali Goward, Australia.
It is based on the Bowen Technique for humans, taught to Ali in 1989 by Ossie Rentsch, director of the Bowen Therapy Academy Australia BTAA.
Equus College of Learning & Research (ECL&R) is the international teaching body of Bowtech for Animals – EMRT™ and CCMRT™.
It is the only provider of EMRT™ & CCMRT™ Practitioner and Instructor training worldwide and offers courses in many countries.
Get more information online at
For more information on courses and prices please contact the college by email that can be taken which lead to recognised qualifications.
Remember - It is an offence for any person, other than the owner of the animal, to treat an animal unless the permission of the vet in charge of the case or to whom the animal would be referred is sought and obtained.
A Veterinary Surgeon is extremely unlikely to refer any customers to you unless you are qualified and insured.