Reiki for Horses Dogs and Pets

Animals and Reiki, Why It Can Benefit

Horse and Person in Sunset

What is Reiki and Why My Animal May Benefit?

Reiki is suitable for many animals - from farm animals to domestic pets. So including horses, dogs and cats plus many others. It is a non-invasive ancient healing technique. Reiki is Japanese for 'universal life force energy', the word can be split into 2 parts - 'Rei' meaning universal and 'Ki' meaning energy. Whilst Reiki is thought to have its roots in ancient Buddhism it is not a religion, but is a healing system. Modern Reiki was rediscovered in the 19th century by Dr Mikao Usui after he set out to discover the healing secrets of Jesus and Buddha.

Reiki works through an energy transference technique - the Reiki practitioner places their hands in a series of positions on the animal and the energy passes through the practitioner onto the animal. Due to an animals sensitivity to the Reiki energy, the session will often begin with the practitioner nearby, to enable the animal to decide how much Reiki they want. If the animal prefers not to be touched throughout the Reiki session, he or she can still benefit from the Reiki healing. In fact an animal will anyway often respond quicker to Reiki than a human!

There are 4 levels of the Reiki system - First Degree, Second Degree, Third Degree A.R.T. (Advanced Reiki Training) and Third Degree Master Teacher. At Reiki III A.R.T. you are a Master Practitioner - Reiki III Master Teacher requires a higher level of training which leads to greater expertise.

How much does a Reiki treatment cost?

Reiki practitioners will charge different rates across the UK (and the world). However, typically a Reiki session will cost approximately £35. The cost may vary depending on how far the practitioner travels to get to you, and if more than one animal receives Reiki at one session.

3 Reasons Reiki Can Help Your Animal

Reiki can help animals in many ways, including:

  1. Helping to relieve stress and anxiety. Ideal for your dog's or cat's visits to the vet. Or a horse who's unsure of farrier appointments. These are a couple of examples. But if your animal ever gets stressed or anxious, then do try Reiki!
  2. Assisting as part of an integrated approach with a range of ailments. For instance if your horse is on box rest and gets stressed being in the stable. Reiki sessions could help your horse find box rest more bearable.
  3. Calm nerves. If your horse or dog gets over-excited or nervous going to competitions and shows.

What Research to Prove Reiki Can Help Horses, Dogs and Other Animals?

There are many other potential benefits of reiki. Research has been completed to look at the effects. Here's a link to one reiki research study you may find interesting.

It's also used in veterinary practices to minimise stress to pets. As this Veterinary Science article states.

However, as with all complementary therapies you should consult your veterinary surgeon first before commencing Reiki. Especially if your horse, dog or other animal is unwell, delaying treatment could be harmful!

All professionally trained Reiki therapists will also happily work alongside your vet or other complementary therapist, to help your animal reach its full potential.

Would you like information on Reiki Therapists for your animal? Please email us at - we'll be pleased to try and assist!

About The Author
This article has been extensively researched and written by Suzanne Harris. Who is also the designer and developer of this site. A lifelong animal lover with a passion for ensuring animals can access complementary therapies for their health and wellbeing.